Great piece. There is plenty to criticize about the state of the music industry and how it’s covered, but these articles mostly just prove that the authors aren’t paying very close attention to new music from new artists.

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Love all of this. Would love to hear more about this “give you enough money to support a family” business though 😬

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As you allude to here and in other places, the problem with our music ecosystem isn't about critics or even pop artists themselves. It's that the delivery systems for getting new bands or artists to broad audiences have become completely broken in the streaming era. The algorithms like to feed us either artists we already like or those that are already popular. Most of the newer bands I like I've learned about from critics like you, which isn't really how it should work, but one I'm grateful for nonetheless.

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This is really great, and necessary. Can you write one about all of the "Rock is Dead" thinkpieces that get spewed out annually? :-)

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Your "I wish these people would just say what they really mean..." paragraph is fantastic. I hope one day you write the whole article these guys meant (wished they could) write.

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